Dad with his 6-year-old son Alex was driving on a highway when the car accident happened. The boy fell into a coma and spent two months in it. What happened next is so amazing!
For a long while, the boy could not talk or move. When he got back his ability to speak, he asked the father: “Are you really my dad?”
The father wondered: “Yes, but why?”
The boy said: “I saw 5 angels carrying my dad out of the car. Four of them took his body and the fifth held his head.”
Indeed when Kevin, Alex’s father got in the accident, he flew out of the windshield and landed some 5 meters away from the car, but the man had not a scratch or bruise on his body!
Alex sees angels. He tells the parents that his hospital ward is full of them. When the father asked him, how he saw him, the boy said: “I saw you from above.”
“Did you see me from a helicopter?” asked the dad.
“No, I saw you from the heaven!” answered the boy.

Alex stayed in a coma for 2 months. Doctors said he would never come back, of if he does, he would not be able to speak or communicate. His mother did not believe that. She had a vision from the Lord, who told her the son would come back and minister to people. Many Christians across the country prayed for the boy, and some of them have seen the similar visions.
Alex medulla was broken, and he had to undergo surgery. The morning of the operation they checked his again and found that his medulla has perfectly healed up!
Alex said he had seen a dream that night: three angels stood by his bed and held his head. They boy says he has been in heaven and have seen angels and Jesus there. When the father asked him what the angels told him or talked about, he said:
“Dad, they were talking about the return of the Lord Jesus to Earth.”

Presently Alex is 15. He tells people about God, angels, life, and death. He wants to be a missionary to preach the Good News!
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