Wanter Tor-Uja, daughter of Executive Secretary, Nigerian Christian Pilgrims Commission (NCPC), Dr.Uja Tor- Uja has shared beautiful photos of her family on Facebook.
She wrote:
Tor & Berry met about 35 years ago, and they decided to dedicate their lives to God… for a while it seemed like God was just minding his business and ignoring them.
He gave them 5 children, 5 girls… and we all know Nigeria; they don’t think much of the girl child.
Anyway, fast forward a few years and God decided to shut everyone up!!!!!
Anyway, fast forward a few years and God decided to shut everyone up!!!!!
Ladies and gents I’d like to introduce you to the first parents in Nigeria (I stand corrected) who have 5 KIDS, All GIRLS, All LAWYERS!!!
Photo Credit: brookmatrix photography
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